I didn’t get to do much network tinkering done at all, but last night we did have to do some maintnence on Pi-Hole since the log files were getting too large for the storage.

Nothing more than a little “stop the FTL, delete the ftl log, restart” and good to go! It’s doing perfectly fine in it’s current VM but I really need to deep dive the settings further for some bits.

Outside the world of computers I finally picked up another Master Grade GM Sniper II since my last one was unfortunately used as a chew toy by one of my doggos. Lots of time has passed since then and my skills have grown since, but are quite rusty. Hoping to get back into the model making groove while I explore a bit of the Warhammer side of things this Friday.

If your curious I am getting some Skitarri from Adeptus Mechanicus and giving that a chance with paining since I’ve never done one that small. Will be a good experiment.

MG GM Sniper II